Aga Khan Hospital Karimabad Karachi Phone Number, Address


Here you can easily find all the necessary information about Aga Khan Hospital Karimabad Karachi such as phone number, address, and doctor. The contact number of this hospital is 021-36323465, 03111-222272, 33100006, and it is located at  Karimabad St-6/d, block 7, Shahra-e-Pakistan, FB area, Karachi.

hospital contact number address

If you look at the facilities in Pakistan’s hospitals, private hospitals are considered to be much better than Government Hospitals. Please let us know if you would like to share any information or express your opinion after being examined at this hospital.

You can also find every related detail about the Aga Khan Hospital Kharadar.

Aga Khan Hospital Karimabad Karachi Details

 Hospital Address
Karimabad St-6/d, block 7, Shahra-e-Pakistan, FB area, Karachi
Phone/Contact Number:021-36323465, 03111-222272, 33100006

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