Christian Hospital Sahiwal Contact Number, Address, Timing


Here you can easily find all the necessary information about Christian Hospital Sahiwal such as phone number, address, and doctor. The contact number of this hospital is 040-4224858, 040-4463446, and it is located at Christian Sahiwal, Mission Chowk, High Street, Sahiwal.

hospital contact number address

If you look at the facilities in Pakistan’s hospitals, private hospitals are considered to be much better than Government Hospitals. That’s why today we are sharing complete information about this hospital for you so that will be very helpful for you to the physical examination. 

Here are more details about the Azmi Surgical Hospital.

Christian Hospital Sahiwal Details

 Hospital Address
Mission Hospital Sahiwal, Mission Chowk, High Street, Sahiwal
Phone/Contact Number:040 4224858  040-4463446

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