Haider Hospital Muridke Contact Number, Address, Timing
Here you can easily find all the necessary information about Haider Hospital Muridke such as phone number, address, and doctor. The contact number of this hospital is 042-37991776, 0300-4277813, and it is located at Service Rd, Mohalla Gaddafi Park Muridke, Sheikhupura, Punjab.
Please let us know if you would like to share any information or express your opinion after being examined at this hospital. Every human being needs a hospital and that’s why we need to know which hospital is best for us.
We also share more details about the Shahzad Surgical Hospital.
Haider Hospital Muridke Details
Hospital Address | Service Road, Mohalla Gaddafi Park Muridke, Sheikhupura, Punjab |
Phone/Contact Number: | 042-37991776, 0300-4277813 |
Website/Facebook | N/A |