Afzal Electronics Sheikhupura Contact Number, Address
If you want to get the Afzal Electronics Sheikhupura Contact Number or any other related information, you will find here all the necessary information in this post. So some of their information is like their contact number 042-37340690, plus their head office address is Kot Abdul Malik Near MCB Bank, Sheikhupura.
You can contact them or their office at any time for any information and discuss your problem. You can also contact the media team on their social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Afzal Electronics Sheikhupura Contact Number
Head Office Address | Kot Abdul Malik Near MCB Bank, Sheikhupura |
Phone/Contact NumberĀ | 042-37340690 | | |
Website | |
Social Media | |
Afzal Electronics Multan Contact number details are here.
Afzal Electronics Sharqpur Chowk Faisalabad Road
Address: Near Sharqpur Chowk Faisalabad Road Kapri Park, Sheikhupura
Contact Number: 056-3791261-056-3791265
Afzal Electronics Gujranwala Road
Address: Bhatti Chowk Gujranwala Road, Sheikhupura
Contact Number: 056-3611349-056-3611261
Afzal Electronics Allama Iqbal Park Sheikhupura
Address: Lahore Sargodha Road, Allama Iqbal Park, Shekhupura
Contact Number: 056-3610597-056-3610896
Afzal Electronics Sargodha Road Habib Colony
Address: 32 Chowk Sargodha Road Habib Colony, Sheikhupura
Contact Number: 056-3614161-056-3614160
Afzal Electronics Main Stop Sargodha
Address: Main Stop Sargodha Road, Nabipura, Sheikhupura
Contact Number: 056-3791839-056-3791840