Jehlum Cardiac Center Phone Number, Address, Timing


Here you can easily find all the necessary information about Jehlum Cardiac Center such as phone number, address, and doctor. The contact number of this hospital is 0544 274181  0544 274180, and it is located at Near Hussain Flour Mill Jada GT Road Jehlum.

hospital contact number address

Every human being needs a hospital and that’s why we need to know which hospital is best for us. If you look at the facilities in Pakistan’s hospitals, private hospitals are considered to be much better than Government Hospitals. 

We also share the details of the Khair Un Nisa Hospital.

Jehlum Cardiac Center Details

 Hospital Address
Near Hussain Flour Mill Jada GT Road Jehlum
Phone/Contact Number:0544 274181  0544 274180

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