Khaadi Peshawar Contact Number, Branch Address & Helpline


Today we will share with you information about the famous clothing brand Khaadi Peshawar Contact Number. The current address of this store is Main University Road Near Abdara Chowk Peshawar. The contact number of this store of this famous garment brand is 091-5701817/22 and, it has a customer care number or complaint number which is 0800 74007.

Khaadi Peshawar Contact Number

khaadi peshawar contact number

The company has made a name for itself in the field of garments. By the way, there is a variety of clothes for children, adults, men, and women, but it is popular because of women’s clothes. It has outlets in almost every major city like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, and Mandi Bahauddin.

Khaadi Peshawar Contact Number

Outlet Branch Address
Main University Road Near Abdara Chowk Peshawar
Phone/Contact Number  091-5701817/22

Timings: 11 am 10 pm

Completed information about the Khaadi Multan contact number and much more are here.

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